Sharing The Story at Holy Cross

Tuesday, June 13, 2006


During the past few weeks the children in Year 3 have been attending weekly home group meetings in preparation for their reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation. It is a very exciting time for these children and one where they are asked to become a witness for Christ here on earth by the way they live their life.
The Sacrament of Confirmation is one of the three sacraments of initiation strengthening the child in the life of the Spirit and bestowing on them the gifts of the Holy Spirit. These include wisdom, understanding, judgement, courage, knowledge, love and reverence for God.
From these gifts come charity, joy, peace, patience, kindness, faithfulness, gentleness and self-restraint.
During the actual Confirmation ceremony the Bishop has the confirmation candidates renew their Baptismal vows. He lays his hands over the candidates to symbolise the power of the Holy Spirit being passed on to the children, he anoints them with oil on the forehead making the sign of the cross and finally gives the sign of peace to them to demonstrate that the whole community welcomes them into full membership with them.


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