Sharing The Story at Holy Cross

Sunday, December 17, 2006

Year 2 Reflection Afternoon

Just recently the Year 2 teachers with their children came together in the library one afternoon to reflect on the celebration of First Reconciliation that was to occur a few days later. After an opening prayer and explanation about the activities that would be covered, the children watched a short video on the Sacrament of Reconciliation produced by John Powell.
The children then discussed in groups elements of the film that resonated with them especially the story of "The Lost Sheep". They then produced scripture think pads that described to them the story in words, pictures and symbols and as groups reflected on them orally to all the assembled children.
The thoughts and words of the children demonstrated a depth of understanding of the Sacrament which was a credit to their parents and teachers who have engaged them in learning and understanding about the wonder of God's love for us. To conclude the afternoon the children were given cut-outs of sheep which they could write their name on, edge in cotton woool and place on a banner next the a picture of the Good Shepherd for display at their First Reconciliation.

Friday, December 15, 2006

Year 6 Reflection Day

In mid November Year 6 had their Reflection Day in preparation for their Graduation. The theme taken was from St Paul's 2nd letter to the Corinthians, verses 4-7, "We are like clay jars in which His treasure is stored..."
The children assembled early in the morning and joined their teachers in the library where they were informed what the timetable would be for the day.

After the opening prayer the children viewed two biographical films on Mother Teresa and Fred Hollows and were asked to reflect as a group on
*How do these people inspire us?
*What qualities do these people have that we would like to emulate?

After this followed individual reflection and journalling on
*Who has influenced me in my life?
*What have they taught me?
*What strengths have they recognised in me?

The children then completed a reflection on passages from the Bible on the theme of the potter and the clay using scripture think pads. Afterwards the children make ‘pinch pots’ from clay specially purchased for the occasion and heard the story of “The Cracked Pot”. Recess then followed after which the children prepared for the celebration of Mass which Fr Stephen then led. After Mass the children and Fr Stephen enjoyed a pizza lunch.
In the afternoon the children used the time to prepare for their Graduation liturgy and the day was completed with a concluding prayer. It was a most enjoyable and productive day.