Reception of First Eucharist
Over 100 children received the Sacrament of Eucharist on the weekend of the 24th and 25th August at Blessed John XXIII Church at Stanhope Gardens. It was an historic weekend for the Parish as it was the first time that First Eucharist had been in the new church. The Friday previous the children receiving the Sacrament attended a Eucharist Reflection Day at Holy Cross Primary School at Glenwood. The Sacramental Team from the Parish, parent helpers and teachers from Blessed John XXIII School and Holy Cross School planned the day together. It incorporated several activities which the children rotated around. These included making bread and tasting grape juice, watching a DVD on the parts of the Mass, receiving the Sacrament of Reconciliation and practising hymns for the First Eucharist Mass, craft activities for the symbols used in Eucharist and meditation and prayers. The day began with Fr Paul praying for its success and ended with the children's prayers of thanks and a slideshow of the day's events. We thank all those involved especially the children and Fathers Paul and Istvan who contributed so much of their time. The children also appreciated very much the pizza lunch!
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