Sharing The Story at Holy Cross

Sunday, June 24, 2007

Opening and Blessing of New Church for Stanhope-Glenwood

On Saturday 2nd June the Parish Church of Blessed John XXIII was officially opened Stanhope Gardens. The Rite of Dedication was a wonderful ceremony that incorporated the ritual and tradition associated with services such as these while incorporating much of the spirit of the community of Stanhope-Glenwood. Many people were involved in the ceremony and the Liturgy of the Eucharist including parishoners, choir members, drummers, altar servers, readers and acolytes. Many priests and deacons from the Parramatta Diocese as well as local dignitaries were present. After the ceremony a reception was held in the grounds of the nearby parish primary school. Congratulations to Frs Paul and Stephen and the parish community fro making it such a memorable occasion for everyone who attended.


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